Product Release Notes

RELEASED - January 2017


New in this release:

  1. NOTE:  Yahoo! has made changes to their website that are not compatible with previous versions of Easy ROR Pro. These changes are beyond our control and were made after the release of version 15. Normally, we can make adjustments to data files in cases like this that fix all previous versions, however Yahoo!'s most recent changes have made it impossible for us to fix previous versions. It is therefore necessary that you upgrade to version 15 in order to continue to use Benchmarking features that require downloaded data. We apologize for this situation and remind you we cannot guarantee third-party services.

  2. A new Portfolio Gain/Loss Graph lets you plot the net gain or loss due to investment for one or more portfolios or their composites (see below). You can plot gain/loss on a periodic basis for a selectable period (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc).

  3. Cumulative Gain/Loss is now selectable for inclusion on portfolio gain/loss reports or graphs to show cumulative growth over multiple periods (either net or gross of taxes or fees).

  4. Composite Gain/Loss is now selectable for inclusion on portfolio gain/loss reports or graphs, allowing you to combine investment gain/loss for multiple portfolios.

  5. GIPS Help is now accessible through the Help menu. Numerous menu selections provide access to various GIPS topics (including frequently asked questions, composites, and other calculation guidelines) to assist you with proper use of Easy ROR Pro's features.

  6. Password-protect your data. Any of your databases can now be optionally password-protected.

  7. Data integration with Fundwatch, EarlyRetire Pro and Wealth Planning Suite lets you quickly import portfolios or portfolio balances from your investment analysis or retirement planning software.

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