Product Release Notes
RELEASED - March 2010
New in this release:
- The Daily Valuation method for calculating
portfolio ROR is now less
restrictive, no longer requiring balance records on the date of every cash
flow. In previous versions, Investor's Accountant required a balance record on the date of
every cash flow to eliminate the effect of cash flows. The new less
restrictive method allows you to add balance records on the dates of
significant cash flows, thus minimizing, rather than eliminating the effect of
cash flows. This option leaves you responsible for judging the significance of cash flows and providing
balance records on such dates. If you are maintaining GIPS standards
for clients, the Daily Valuation feature now requires you be carefully attentive to the GIPS guidelines
when using it.
- The Portfolio Rate of Return Graph will now plot results for any of the
available calculation methods (prior versions only plot IRR).
- Volatility results can now be calculated for portfolio composites.
Additionally, portfolio volatility results can be calculated on the basis of any of the
available ROR calculation methods (prior versions only used IRR).
- Your bond prices can be imported from a Schwab® account. If you own
bonds in a Schwab® account, Investor's Accountant can import prices from your "Positions" file
downloaded from the Schwab® website.
Also, any new securities you purchase in your Schwab® account can be added to
your portfolio automatically.
- To accommodate the industry wide format
change in option symbols, the security add/change screen now provides a
search tool to obtain the ticker symbol of an option from Yahoo!®.
- A new Multi-Year Rate of Return Report shows your portfolio's annual performance
for each year over a requested time span.