03/19/2018 07:22:06 RATE of RETURN - Daily Valuation Page 2
12/31/1993 through 12/31/2004
Benchmark - Russell 1000®
Annual Compounding
Gross-of Net-of Benchmark Internal Number Percent Total
Fees Fees Return Dispersion of of Composite
Year % % % % Pf's Assets Assets
SMP Sample Porfolio
1994 -4.7 -4.7 N/A 32.4 401,219
1995 21.5 21.5 N/A 31.3 487,387
1996 7.6 7.6 22.4 25.7 467,352
1997 17.8 17.8 32.9 12.8 550,365
1998 .4 .4 27.0 11.5 536,632
1999 -1.2 -1.2 20.9 15.0 530,305
2000 15.3 15.3 -7.8 13.1 591,931
2001 1.9 1.9 -12.4 13.7 584,936
2002 5.2 5.2 -21.7 16.4 605,968
2003 17.9 17.9 29.9 15.2 693,981
2004 11.1 11.1 11.4 14.5 747,430
Composite Asset + Cash Flow Weighted - 7 Selected Portfolios
1994 -1.0 -1.0 N/A 4.1 4 1,237,663
1995 28.5 28.5 N/A 26.1 4 1,558,246
1996 12.4 12.4 22.4 5.3 4 1,817,050
1997 17.8 17.8 32.9 1.1 4 4,300,663
1998 2.1 2.1 27.0 5.0 5 4,683,264
1999 -.7 -.7 20.9 3.3 4 3,528,218
2000 16.0 16.0 -7.8 2.1 6 4,520,123
2001 -.4 -.4 -12.4 1.4 5 4,255,531
2002 -1.5 -1.5 -21.7 4.8 4 3,692,004
2003 24.8 24.8 29.9 5.8 4 4,574,670
2004 10.7 10.7 11.4 1.8 7 5,169,860