Portfolio Analyzer

> Portfolio Status 
> Gain/Loss by Acquisition 
> Security Rate of Return 
> Schedule B Dividends 
> Schedule D Capital Gains 
> Tax Liability Report 

> User Manual 
> Section 508 VPAT

Gain/Loss by Acquisition Report

04-19-2020   16:39:46   GAIN/LOSS BY ACQUISITION REPORT
                                 OPEN & CLOSED
JT   Earl & Mary Morris             

Invest Date     Quantity         Cap Gain/Net Income       ---Total Gain/Loss---
       Basis    Realized         $       %   Annual%         $       %      ROI%

ED       Consolidated Edison  Stock                                             
 6-14-90       1,000.000      21,124    86.7     8.3  Value  4-17-2020    45,500
      24,376           0      15,360    63.0     6.4      36,484   149.7    12.4
FOVER    FIDELITY OVERSEAS    Stock                                             
 2-24-86          44.881         829    83.9    45.6                            
         988       1,818         150    15.2     9.1         980    99.1    53.0
                   5.437          68    44.3  Reinv.                            
         153         220           4     2.8  Reinv.          72    47.1  Reinv.
FOVER    Total  JT                                                              
                   0.000         897    78.6                                    
       1,141       2,038         155    13.6               1,052    92.2        
USTEX    USAA TAX EXPT  TxELT Muni Bond                                         
 2-24-86          22.388         -34   -11.5    -7.0                            
         300         266         353   117.7    59.3         319   106.2    54.2
                  42.461         -63   -11.2  Reinv.                            
         567         504         214    37.7  Reinv.         150    26.5  Reinv.
USTEX    Total  JT                                                              
                   0.000         -98   -11.3                                    
         867         769         567    65.4                 469    54.1        
Total for JT                  21,924    83.1          Value  4-19-2020    45,500
      26,383       2,807      16,082    61.0              38,005   144.0     


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