Portfolio Analyzer

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Portfolio Status Report - Client with Multiple Accounts

04-19-2020   15:25:47           PORTFOLIO STATUS
                                As of  3-31-2020
Portfolio EMS  Earl's Schwab Account 1111-111 

                  ---- Original Cost -----
       Quantity   Avg. Price    Inv/Reinv        Price  Price Date         Value

AGE      AG Edwards            Stock         EMS                                
       100.000        44.500     4,450.00       44.000    3-31-20       4,400.00
AIT      Ameritech Corp        Stock         EMS                                
       400.000        16.936     6,774.50       49.438    3-31-20      19,775.00
JPM      JP Morgan             Stock         EMS                                
       107.391        78.368     8,415.97      134.133    3-31-20      14,404.56
MSFT     Microsoft             Stock         EMS                                
       400.000        52.292    20,916.70       89.500    3-31-20      35,800.00
RNE      Russia New Europe     Stock         EMS                                
       200.000        25.195     5,038.96       24.188    3-31-20       4,837.50
SCHWAB   Schwab Money Market   Cash-Liquid   EMS                                
    13,295.330         1.000     8,845.33        1.000    3-31-20      13,295.33
                                                          Pending      -4,450.00
VMFAP    MSFT Jan '99 80 CALL  Call          EMS                                
        -1.000         7.324      -732.43       16.750    3-31-20      -1,675.00
                                                             EMS Totals         
   Total as of  3-31-2020       53,709.03                              86,387.39
   Total as of 12-31-2019                                              59,329.95
   Gross Period to Date Gain                                45.6%      27,057.44
   Deposits                                                             6,000.00
   Withdrawals                                                          2,500.00
   Net Period to Date Gain                                  39.7%      23,557.44

04-19-2020   15:25:47           PORTFOLIO STATUS                       Page   2
                                As of  3-31-2020
Portfolio EMS  Earl's Schwab Account 1111-111 

                  ---- Original Cost -----
       Quantity   Avg. Price    Inv/Reinv        Price  Price Date         Value

                               ALLOCATION by Type                               
                   Type                       Value  Percent                    
                   Cash-Liquid                8,845     10.0                    
                   Stock                     79,217     90.0                    
                   Total                     86,387                             
                           Not included in above allocation:                    
                   Call                      -1,675                             
                               ALLOCATION by Country                            
                 Country                       Value  Percent                   
                 Emerging                      4,838      5.5                   
                 United States                83,225     94.5                   
                 Total                        86,387                            
                             ALLOCATION by Industry                             
          Industry                                     Value  Percent           
          Cash Equivalents                             8,845     10.0           
          Closed End Stock Fund                        4,838      5.5           
          Computers                                   35,800     40.7           
          Financial                                   18,805     21.4           
          Telecommunications                          19,775     22.5           
          Total                                       86,387                    

04-19-2020   15:25:47           PORTFOLIO STATUS                       Page   3
                                As of  3-31-2020
Portfolio EM   Earl T. Morris Mutual Funds    

                  ---- Original Cost -----
       Quantity   Avg. Price    Inv/Reinv        Price  Price Date         Value

BEGRX    Mutual Beacon Fund    Stock         EM                                 
       482.046        13.337     6,429.19       15.480    3-31-20       7,462.07
JAMRX    Janus Mercury         Stock         EM                                 
       326.921        14.535     4,751.68       19.580    3-31-20       6,401.11
MDISX    Mutual Discovery      Stock         EM                                 
       344.636        17.605     6,067.26       21.020    3-31-20       7,244.25
OAKMX    Oakmark Fund          Stock         EM                                 
       562.802        26.466    14,895.07       44.430    3-31-20      25,005.29
RPMGX    T RowePrice Mid-Cap   Stock         EM                                 
       327.643        24.714     8,097.24       33.210    3-31-20      10,881.02
                                                             EM  Totals         
   Total as of  3-31-2020       40,240.44                              56,993.74
   Total as of 12-31-2019                                              50,847.71
   Period to Date Gain                                      12.1%       6,146.03
                               ALLOCATION by Type                               
                   Type                       Value  Percent                    
                   Stock                     56,994      100                    
                   Total                     56,994                             
                               ALLOCATION by Country                            
                 Country                       Value  Percent                   
                 United States                56,994      100                   
                 Total                        56,994                            
                             ALLOCATION by Industry                             
          Industry                                     Value  Percent           
          Stock Mutual Fund                           56,994      100           
          Total                                       56,994                    

04-19-2020   15:25:47           PORTFOLIO STATUS                       Page   4
                                As of  3-31-2020
Portfolio IE   Earl's IRA                     

                  ---- Original Cost -----
       Quantity   Avg. Price    Inv/Reinv        Price  Price Date         Value

DRBDX    Dreyfus A Bonds +     Bond          IE                                 
     1,371.889        13.715    18,816.13       14.750    3-31-20      20,235.36
FDFFX    Fidelity Retire Grth  Stock         IE                                 
     1,104.529        16.934    18,703.86       19.980    3-31-20      22,068.49
TIAA     TIAA                  Annuity       IE                                 
    48,921.510         1.000    48,921.51        1.000    1-01-20      48,921.51
US104    US 11.625 11-15-2004  Treas Issue   IE                                 
     1,000.000       118.445   118,445.25      131.969    3-31-20     136,336.20
                                                             IE  Totals         
   Total as of  3-31-2020      204,886.75                             227,561.56
   Total as of 12-31-2019                                             221,138.10
   Period to Date Gain                                       2.9%       6,423.46
                               ALLOCATION by Type                               
                   Type                       Value  Percent                    
                   Annuity                   48,922     21.5                    
                   Bond                      20,235      8.9                    
                   Stock                     22,068      9.7                    
                   Treas Issue              136,336     59.9                    
                   Total                    227,562                             
                               ALLOCATION by Country                            
                 Country                       Value  Percent                   
                 United States               227,562      100                   
                 Total                       227,562                            
                             ALLOCATION by Industry                             
          Industry                                     Value  Percent           
          Bond Mutual Fund                            20,235     22.2           
          Cash Equivalents                            48,922     53.6           
          Stock Mutual Fund                           22,068     24.2           
          Unidentified                               136,336                    
          Total                                      227,562                    

04-19-2020   15:25:48           PORTFOLIO STATUS                       Page   5
                                As of  3-31-2020
Portfolio EMS,EM,IE                                 

                  ---- Original Cost -----
       Quantity   Avg. Price    Inv/Reinv        Price  Price Date         Value

                                                             All Totals         
   Total as of  3-31-2020      298,836.22                             370,942.69
   Total as of 12-31-2019                                             331,315.76
   Gross Period to Date Gain                                12.0%      39,626.93
   Deposits                                                             6,000.00
   Withdrawals                                                          2,500.00
   Net Period to Date Gain                                  10.9%      36,126.93
                               ALLOCATION by Type                               
                   Type                       Value  Percent                    
                   Annuity                   48,922     13.1                    
                   Bond                      20,235      5.4                    
                   Cash-Liquid                8,845      2.4                    
                   Stock                    158,279     42.5                    
                   Treas Issue              136,336     36.6                    
                   Total                    370,943                             
                           Not included in above allocation:                    
                   Call                      -1,675                             
                               ALLOCATION by Country                            
                 Country                       Value  Percent                   
                 Emerging                      4,838      1.3                   
                 United States               367,780     98.7                   
                 Total                       370,943                            
                             ALLOCATION by Industry                             
          Industry                                     Value  Percent           
          Bond Mutual Fund                            20,235      8.6           
          Cash Equivalents                            57,767     24.4           
          Closed End Stock Fund                        4,838      2.0           
          Computers                                   35,800     15.2           
          Financial                                   18,805      8.0           
          Telecommunications                          19,775      8.4           
          Stock Mutual Fund                           79,062     33.5           
          Unidentified                               136,336                    
          Total                                      370,943                    


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