Portfolio Analyzer

> Portfolio Status 
> Gain/Loss by Acquisition 
> Security Rate of Return 
> Schedule B Dividends 
> Schedule D Capital Gains 
> Tax Liability Report 

> User Manual 
> Section 508 VPAT

Security Rate of Return Report

03-31-2018   10:26:40         SYMBOL RATE OF RETURN
                                BEFORE/AFTER TAX
EMS  Earl's Schwab Account 1111-111

                                   Quantity   Cur.Value    Realized    Inv+Reinv
Gain Tax        --Cap.Gain--  Earn Tax       Net Income       ---Total---   ROR%

AGE      AG Edwards                   100         4,400                    4,450
Before Tax        -50  -1.1%                                   -50  -1.1%  -98.4
     -18          -32  -0.7%                                   -32  -0.7%  -93.1

AIT      Ameritech Corp               400        19,775                    6,775
Before Tax     13,001 191.9%               2,236  33.0%     15,237 224.9%   25.0
After Tax      13,001 191.9%               2,236  33.0%     15,237 224.9%   25.0

JPM      JP Morgan                  107.391      14,405                    8,416
Before Tax      5,989  71.2%                 714   8.5%      6,702  79.6%   32.3
   1,972        4,017  47.7%      212        502   6.0%      4,518  53.7%   22.8

MSFT     Microsoft                    400        35,800      60,871       78,634
Before Tax     18,037  22.9%                                18,037  22.9%   47.3
   5,407       12,630  16.1%                                12,630  16.1%   34.2

RNE      Russia New Europe            200         4,838                    5,039
Before Tax       -201  -4.0%                 736  14.6%        534  10.6%   10.0
     -50         -151  -3.0%      260        476   9.4%        324   6.4%    6.0

VMFAP    MSFT Jan '99 80 CALL          -1        -1,675       3,055        2,283
Before Tax       -903 -39.6%                                  -903 -39.6% Option
    -316         -587 -25.7%                                  -587 -25.7% Option

EMS  Earl's Schwab Account 1111-111              77,542      63,926      105,596
Before Tax     35,872  34.0%               3,686   3.5%     39,557  37.5%
   6,995       28,877  27.3%      472      3,214   3.0%     32,090  30.4%


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